Checks & Balances Frothy Face Wash 50ml Squeeze small amount of face wash into palm, add tepid water to lather. Swirl over skin, steering clear of eyes. Rinse thoroughly.
Plantscription Serum 30ml Apply AM and PM on clean skin. Formulated for use on face, neck and the eye area.
GinZing Gel 50ml Following serum, apply liberally to skin day & night as a daily moisturizer, or as needed during the day as an instant skin refresher.
High-Potency Night-A-Mins 15ml Apply nightly to face & neck.
Peace of Mind 15ml Take 3 pumps into fingers and take a deep breath to experience aromas of Peace of Mind®. Massage into the back of neck, earlobes, and temples. 肌質...乾燥肌 使用感...肌の引き締め, 肌のハリ、弾力 成分...プラセンタ 特徴...爽快感, エイジングケア
Checks & Balances Frothy Face Wash 50ml
Squeeze small amount of face wash into palm, add tepid water to lather. Swirl over skin, steering clear of eyes. Rinse thoroughly.
Plantscription Serum 30ml
Apply AM and PM on clean skin. Formulated for use on face, neck and the eye area.
GinZing Gel 50ml
Following serum, apply liberally to skin day & night as a daily moisturizer, or as needed during the day as an instant skin refresher.
High-Potency Night-A-Mins 15ml
Apply nightly to face & neck.
Peace of Mind 15ml
Take 3 pumps into fingers and take a deep breath to experience aromas of Peace of Mind®. Massage into the back of neck, earlobes, and temples.
使用感...肌の引き締め, 肌のハリ、弾力
特徴...爽快感, エイジングケア
『ORIGINS オリジンズ ピースオブマインド ジンジン エスティローダー』はセカイモンでkJ-a789bc1183から出品され、860の入札を集めて01月13日 16時 39分に、8,580円で落札されました。即決価格は8,580円でした。決済方法はに対応。大阪府からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはストア、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。